Wednesday 17 June 2009

A bit of leverage

Ok, post numero trois! As things stand...

No, no, no, no, no, that will just not do. Horrible cheap factory fitted things. Down to the garage batman...

Box of beautiful Pazzo levers - Check
10mm spanner - Check
flat head screwdriver - Check
Cup of tea - Check

Right first the brake lever. Remove locking bolt - Done, remove pivot pin - Done, place new lever on bike - Done, Insert pivot pin - Done, lock with locking nut - Done. Ahhh voila, beautiful new brake lever. Easy as pie (mmmmm pie).

Next, the clutch lever. locking nut off, pivot pin out, lever off, unscrew the actuating pin as it's a hydraulic clutch from it's little housing.... man that's tight. Stop put things down. Get better grip and bigger screwdriver.... strip the head of the pivot pin. Swear, retrieve screwdriver from across the garage, swear at it. Get WD40... the solution to EVERYTHING. Liberal spraying, rest for 5 mins. Get pliers, grip pin bottom and turn. Remove shards of aluminium from fingers. Swear. Swear. Swear. Recover pliers from across the road. Swear. Drink now cold tea. Swear at it. Take lever back in flat. cook it on the gas for 2 minutes. Grip with pliers (hard). Turn with all your might. Get hoover. Hoover up shards of metal from floor. Swear. Recover lever from across the room. Place lever, tools, pride back in the garage. Tell girlfriend at length about Italian 'engineering'. Rest.

Next thing said girlfriend appears with mole grips, said offending lever and a smile....

Look on in bewilderment at a half removed pin. Offer help to remove the last bit. Sit back down. Watch as girlfriend proceeds to remove the pin, place the small socket back in the new clutch, re-insert actuator pin and pass it back to you. Swear.

Anyhooo, was probably worth the internal shards of metal because look....



  1. What's the latest Paul - have you had it repaired yet?
    regards Nick

  2. What is the model of the Ohlins front Fork?
